Aseara am dat de un blog foarte simpatic pe numele lui Zodiac Chic.

Si cum sunt Balanta si ma mandresc cu asta, am selectat cateva texte pe care le consider “relevante”, ramanand sa cercetati voi mai mult si sa vedeti in ce masura vi se potrivesc:

– As a Libra you have excellent things, though you don’t trust them enough!

– Libras have the gift of making others feel important.

– Libras fear boredom and routine, although they don’t always know what to do to break out from it.

– If you want to be with a Libra woman be amiable and courteous

– Libras can imagine grand business ideas that are unique and clear for success, and they can start the idea but they want somebody else to do the work

– Libras strengths are: peaceful, optimistic and welcoming

– Love for Libras can frequently be an arousing battle, with Libra letting someone get close, however not too close

– Just because Libras are non-confrontational does not mean that they do not have strong opinions. If they’re pressed they can be very passionate in their beliefs

– Libras are the true idealists. They love it when everyone gets along with one another. But what often happens is that ugly emotions have the habit of simmering to the surface.

– Libra always have the right thing to say and know how to make others feel comfortable

– Libras are drawn to beauty, whatever its form. The only thing they enjoy as much as beuty is harmony

– Even though Librans are courteous people, they are not pushovers. They use intelligence to get what they want


4 thoughts on “Despre Balante – Zodiac Chic”

  1. n-ai fost si tu in stare sa le traduci, femeie! mi-a luat un secol sa le citesc!
    insa un lucru e cert, cunosc cel putin putin o balanta ( 🙂 ) care nu este niciodata deprimata, are permanenta nevoie de “dragoste” si sprijin (chiar daca nu ti-o va spune niciodata)! langa o balanta ca cea pe care o stiu eu, cu siguranta nu vei primi atentie sufocanta 😀

    1. of, de ce nu dai nume sa stie lumea ca despre mine este vorba? :))

      nu le-am tradus pentru ca voiam sa fac cititorii sa naduseasca pana sa afle cat de minunata sunt :))

  2. Minunataaaaa. Misulica, e vorba de aceeasi balanta pe care o cunoastem amandoua???? Aaaaa, e teribil de minunata. Dar…ssssstttt….Cristinik, sa nu mai spui la nimeni, ca ne-o ia…

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